
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Unlimited Possibilities.

There is just about unlimited storage on the internet, having an extra back-up hard drive sitting next to you isn't your only option anymore.  Nothing is ever really safe due to how good certain people are online and offline. Offline someone talented will be able to go into a secure building in and out before there highest level security is even aware of anything missing.  Online when you look at it, it's pretty much the same concept, someone very talented goes into a highly secured (by Norton or any other) Building (computer) and out before the highest level security (Norton or any other) knows (except here it's worse since a Internet Security Product will never let you know if anyone was there to begin with) anything is even missing.  Put tech world advancements in the wrong hands and severe damage is inevitable, but it works in very intriguing ways when placed into the hands a creative mind who wants it for something positive.  Whether it be used in a good or a bad way, it's still gonna keep moving forward, it being used for something and it achieving something is the key factor that plays in the fact that it will continue to move forward.